The Collection, Lincoln
8 January - 20 February, 2022

Group installation images

Sarah Bennett

Andrew Bracey

Danica Maier
photography: Reece Straw
Hub: A National Centre for Craft and Design
11 Sep – 31 Oct 2021

photography: Scott Murray
Natural World Centre
Whisby Nature Centre
17 May - 31 Aug 2021
Thorpe on the Hill, Lincoln, LN6 9BW
Monday to Friday 9:30am - 4:30pm
Weekends till 5pm

Bummock: Tennyson Art Walk
Waddington Village, Lincolnshire
27 July – 14 August 2019
Three public artworks as part of the NK Walking Festival temporarily sited in WaddingtonVillage, Lincolnshire.

Gros Cut Mill &
Her Words, My Voice (live performative reading)
Danica Maier
Sidney Hall Memorial field off Station Rd.
After an initial research residency within the Tennyson Research Centre, Danica Maier focused on Tennsyon’s great niece Fryn Tennyson Jesse. An artist, war correspondent playwright and true crime writer, Fryn was an interesting and dynamic person in her own right; however, her legacy has been permanently housed under that of her distinguished yet distant male relative. For this work, a photograph of Fryn’s first marital home, Cut Mill, has been meticulously stitched by Danica into a small 20 cm petit point. This original petit point has been blown up by 1500% into the large-scale banner. From a distance the image is clearly seen but on closer inspection the material make-up is revealed and the image is lost.

House on the Way to Gainsborough
Andrew Bracey
Junction of Hill Top and Station Rd.
Andrew Bracey’s interest in the Tennyson Research Centre was captured by two tiny childhood journals by Hallam Tennyson, Alfred’s and Emily’s son. They feature a variety of subjects including, geometry, mathematics, chess problem and history. These visual records give a fascinating insight into the upbringing of the Tennyson children, and to Victorian life in general. Andrew made a woodblock print the same size as the miniature notebooks, featuring a house on the way to what could be Gainsborough, but is more likely to be from a family holiday in Brittany. This has been photographically reproduced in this artwork, thirty times bigger, to reveal the perfect flaws of a child’s drawing and the artist’s imperfect attempt to capture it accurately.

Sarah Bennett
St Michael’s Church on the High Street
It is understood that Tennyson wrote The Princess (1847) following a conversation with his future wife, Emily Sellwood, about women's lack of access to higher education. In this image entitled 'Bound', artist Sarah Bennett used rather too many archival snake weights to hold the book open whilst revealing two passages from the poem. The left-hand text is spoken by the princess who has founded a women's college and is refusing to marry the prince - so rejecting the expected female duties of wife and motherhood. The right-hand text is spoken by the prince's friend Cyril, after they sneak into the college disguised in women's clothing and find, to their surprise, that women are great learners, and are just as clever as men.

photography: Phil Cosker and Sian Kirman-Wright
Launch event: Tennyson's Wake
Waddington Cultural Collective, Lincolnshire
6 October, 2017

Tennyson’s Wake launch event and workshop held on the 125th anniversary of the Lord Alfred Tennyson’s death on 6th October 1892 marks the next iteration of the Bummock project working within the Tennyson Research Centre.
Artists Sarah Bennett, Andrew Bracey, and Danica Maier launched their project Bummock: Tennyson Research Centre - a three-year residency in the Tennyson Research Centre in Lincoln. The famous poet was born in Lincolnshire and lived in the county during his early life.
Hosted by the Waddington Cultural Collective the free event included a short presentation about the project, live readings of Tennyson's poems, an opportunity to discuss and share stories about Tennyson with the artists and a workshop run by the Bracey and Maier. The workshop invited the audience to work with, change, develop and manipulate Tennyson’s text - creating new poems from Tennyson's words. These playful experiments with text were projected onto the architecture of the venue throughout the event.
This event is in partnership with artsNK, Waddington Cultural Collective, and Tennyson Research Centre
Supported by: Arts Council England and artsNK